About Who? About Me?
I keep reading about how to increase my blog traffic. One of the primary ways is including an "About" page giving some insight into who I am and what my blog is all about. They also say adding a picture will supposedly gain me some credibility, as people like to see about whom they are reading.
This is all very interesting and I suppose I could add a picture of myself, but why do I need an about page on a blog that is all about me? My whole blog is an about page! What could I possibly say that I haven't already covered in a previous post? Should I provide you with my name? Age? Gender? Maybe my location? If you haven't already figured it out, you likely know my name and gender as I don't know many women named Jason. If you didn't, well, you do now.
However, the idea of über-personalizing my page with a severe amount of personal information is an intriguing one. I am a very complex person with personal policies that I would love to make public, not only for your enjoyment, but also to keep them straight in my own mind.
I suppose the question is do I care if I increase my traffic. Not really, this blog was never meant to be for anyone but me. I'm certainly not making money from it as you can see from the lack of annoying Adsense links and banners littering the site. Do I like it when people visit and read what I have written? Sure! I certainly cater to whoever might be reading it by trying to make my posts as interesting as possible. Too many times I have come across painfully boring blogs and I undoubtedly don't want to be a member of that webring. To remedy that, I attempt, if the posts warrants, at being clever, charming and amusing as much as possible. Only you can tell me if I succeed.
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