I couldn't wait. I needed to do it. I needed to go to Barnes & Noble. I needed to reserve my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I needed to, and I did.
The time was 11:20am and I set out for my quest. It was a chilly mid-morning and butterflies where flapping a freaking hurricane in my stomach. Harry Potter, as my last posts faintly suggested, is my favorite series of all time, so it was imperative that I get this book. I was prepared to pay anything they asked. The whole amount? Sure, no problem!
A moment of terror struck as I was walking over. What if they hadn't set up the preorders in store like the one they had online? What was I to do then? I knew; I was going to scream bloody murder as I tipped the New & Notable table over and ran down the main aisle knocking every book off their themed displays. I wasn't going to let some corporate giant get in my way of me getting the most important book release in the last decade.
I still wasn't there, I hadn't even crossed the street yet; a battle I wasn't looking forward too. Crossing four lanes of traffic isn't easy, especially when coming upon the lunch rush. I was able to walk halfway across the street before having to pause in the turn lane for some idiot who obviously doesn't understand pedestrian laws in Oregon. I arrive at the other side of the street safely and make my way to the front door; heart beating a million beats a minute.
I step in expecting to see some grand display notifying all the patrons they were ready to begin taking preorders for the next Harry Potter book. I got nothing. There was no fanfare, nothing to indicate that Harry Potter existed. Surprised, I looked around to see if there was someone I could bully into reserving me a copy. I chose the fat kid in the corner. Luckily for him, there was a sign at his station informing the public about the Harry Potter book.
I walked up to the counter, and stated that I would like to preorder the book, he obliged and it was over in a manner of minutes while he typed in my information. I walked out thinking how easy it was. I mean I didn't even have to tip tables or knock down displays. The next challenge is taking down any kids that get in my way.
B & N usually has a festive party to celebrate the release. Will you attend?
Right now, I'm thinking I will. However, as the day gets closer and closer the prospect of staying up that late is one I don’t relish, considering I want to get an early start on the book.
Maybe it won't be a late night event, though I know some of the others have been. The End, the last book in the Series of Unfortunate Events series, was released on a Friday the 13th and the B & N party was at 1300 hours. Maybe you will get lucky with this party.
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